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Michelle Oakes BA MA

Address: South Manchester Uk


Tel: 07943111939

Illustration BA
Bussiness MA
Workshop leader
Idea development
Creative Thinking
Portrait Art
Graphic Design
Game Design
Game Graphics
Game Ilustration
App design
Photography Art
Product Art

Profile  Digital CV

I have an interest in visual languages, including maps, photography, Photoshop, game development, game visualisation, problem solving, visual arts, digital arts and science.
I feel this provides me with a unique, imaginative and creative perspective within my digital work experience. I have experience of digital games graphics, book covers, and graphics for the Ipad, Iphone and internet platforms.  Logos, banners, posters, graphics for advertising campaigns, and children’s books, covers and pages.

Freelance Work on Graphics and Games 
2012-2013 on going
Worked independently freelance, working on graphics for several different clients, internationally and national, Game graphics, banners, logos,  packaging, mission statements advert, and apps.  Companies such as Smart Women Smart Conversation, Go Mad Kids, Cheshire Banners, food farm companies in Canada, Antique business in Ireland And local business  on logos, flyers, and website illustrations..  Clients commissions for artwork illustration.

Working on Games

Anotomix  April 2012 – July 2012

Worked as the main graphic artist for the company, working and designing the graphic back grounds for a game called stop jack, main artist working to deliver these levels for the game in the time I had to deliver, 100 levels for the games layout and function.

Connect2media            December 2010 - October 2011
Worked as a porting artist, and design development on mobile games for all range of mobile phones on the market. Resizing and redrawing the graphics to fit the different mobile phone sizes and platforms.  Also working with the designers, programmers in Poland, attending company meeting s and planning meetings to test and deliver the work on time for the company’s time production plan.

2010 - present

2010 - present

Profile Teaching CV

I have an interest in visual languages, including maps, photography, Photoshop, game development, game narrative and learning differences. My own experience of living with neurodiversity also provides me with insights into disability and subjects areas such as visualisation, problem solving, visual arts, teaching learning styles, coaching and mentoring, digital arts and science. I feel this provides me with a unique, imaginative and creative perspective within my teaching experience. I have experience of coaching/ mentoring adults with a range of learning differences, including speech and hearing impairments, severe physical disabilities and hidden disabilities.

Workshop Leading Experience

Full Circle Arts           April - July 2008
Arts Council / BBC Blast sponsored project
Professional Development Workshop project for clients 
Working with clients with a range of learning differences.
The project involved clients mapping Manchester areas, researching their individual area of interest (dance, drama, acting, visual arts), and then creating stencilled map design which represented themselves and their individual areas of interest. Coaching & mentoring experience

Freelance mentoring of young people with dyslexia     2012
Mentoring young dyslexics around confidence and self-esteem.
Coaching related to personal development goals.

Full Circle Arts/ Manchester Art Gallery/ Manchester Metropolitan University   2008
Propaganda Poster Workshops
Working with a small group of adults with learning differences,
Digital camera sessions, using Photoshop to create propaganda posters.

Dyslexia Art Dyslexia Action (DADA) Manchester Metropolitan University          2007
Sponsored by BBC & Arts Council

Adults on Stilts
Creation of a game to represent childhood experience and dyslexia.
Mentoring artists in the delivery of the project brief.   At Manchester Metropolitan University as part of my MA to MPhil work on dyslexia and the arts games and methodology. Funded by the arts council, the BBC, Adults on stilts was an Exhibition to celebrate the talents of dyslexia gifts through visual arts. Covered in the Manchester evening news, and Manchester Metropolitan University success magazine.

Workshops Teaching
Manchester Metropolitan University
As part of my Mpill-Phd I worked two sets of workshops on visual problem solving and the use of digital technology to
design a game methodology, to be used to draw in an audience through marketing to an event of the students choice, the project was set by a brief aimed at illustration students for one week and D&AD students for one week, a talk on my research was given, and students choice to join the workshops of interest.  Working and problem solving visualizing the game methodology of the task given.

WORKSHOP LEADER Manchester Method

Worked with Martyn Amos computer and mathematics  on Manchester Metropolitan University outreach projects to the general public, to engage them in the idea of using technology and the program Alice to create a animation and to learn and use the university recourses, I was asked to run the creative, story boarding and visual mind mapping and experimentation of the project with the young students engaged in the project, then martyn Amos taught them how to program their idea in the program Alice.

Presentation Experience
Corner house thinking digital Youth Arts Conference – M.Phil - Phd research presentation  2009
PowerPoint presentation related to dyslexia, learning styles, games
and visual language, to a wide audience including youth services
and arts agencies.

Full Circle conference Bridgewater Hall, Manchester     2008
Member of panel discussion around Full Circle projects and ethos.
Description/ presentation of my work as a Full Circle artist to audience
of local agencies.

Presentation Experience
Talk on dyslexia and the arts, the perception, at Oldham Mental Health, with Michael Gorman, Manchester Metropolitan University and Steve Obrien Dyslexia Foundation

Presentation Experience

Talk on dyslexia and the arts, the perception, at Oldham Mental Health, with Michael Gorman, Manchester Metropolitan University and Steve Obrien Dyslexia Foundation

Working up to date with Venture Arts

Working with venture arts assisting in the workshops and projects with the needs of autistic people, with the work and new skills they learn from participating in the workshops designed for their needs, crafts.

2006 University of Manchester, Manchester Science Enterprise Centre. Masters Degree in Business Enterprise Art and Design
2002–2005 Manchester Metropolitan University, BA (Hons) Illustration with Animation (First Class Honors)
2000–2001: City College Manchester, National Diploma in Art and Design (Distinction)

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